Gamma Construction Mauritius : Tips when building an outdoor kitchen

Do you dream of having a backdoor kitchen?

You do not have to worry if your backyard is small, with a good planning you can still have a cute and functional kitchenette.

Building an outdoor kitchen outside of the home  enables you to entertain families and friends, to cook and prepare meals while enjoying the open air. 

Entertaining at home  is a better relaxed way, less expensive to gather together with family and friends than going out to eat.

Cooking foods in your outside kitchen helps strong odours to disperse outside, this avoids  the smell to permeate your indoor kitchen and the rest of the house as well. Outdoor kitchen limits the mess you will make in your home.

modern outdoor kitchen ideas

An outdoor kitchen can turn your backyard into party central increase the value of a home.


You do not have to use a big space in the middle of the yard, maximise your space by building your outdoor kitchen against an existing border, like a fence, or the end of your patio or with the wall of your indoor kitchen. Have your kitchen near your home.

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